WHAT WHAT WHAT. Oh my god I got so scared at the beginning until I saw the leash and then I instantly knew it was a dream. I can’t believe I fell for that.

I don’t know how you are feeling about this finale, but I personally think that this was a fantastic last episode! I have a few gripes here and there cough where is my Fujimoto time? cough but overall I loved this episode. It was so wholesome and cute. I was taking in how adorable the children pictures were on the final credit screen, my mind all warm and fuzzy and then, when I least expected it, they hit us with the exhibitionist remark. Well done. It had totally slipped my mind that she had to be a pervert too. She just had to be something though and I’m glad they completed the cycle. It would have felt wrong without it! It’s the principle of the matter.

Mizuha was a boss for this series, like a real MVP. She was taking charge from the beginning. Between the various bits of advice she gave to eventually becoming a love interest, although that’s pretty much been shot down. It really pays to be a sibling. Access to their room, you live with them, take care of them, etc. Some might say the only downside is that… well, you’re a sibling. I can’t believe they expounded on the idea that he didn’t know they weren’t related. The flashbacks were really nice in this episode, tragic in some cases too, but the fact that she was introduced to him as a new member of the family when he was kind of old for a kid just solidifies how dumb this was a plot line. Of course, they brushed it off with a, ‘how could I have forgotten?’ line, but I don’t think that just calling attention to bad development really fixes anything. Probably the most shocking thing of this whole show was that they had a dad. He exists. I assumed they were born from mitosis. He has the same humor as Keiki though. I really, really liked a lot of the monologues this episode, the ones from Mizuha and Keiki. I kind of wish the show was more like this the whole time. It got kind of repetitive towards the middle and when you don’t have amazing art to supplement the boring parts, it can get kind of dicey.

Shoma and Koharu relationship update, the finale. We got a cheek kiss! Ok, I’ll take it. Shoma’s reaction to Koharu inviting Keiki over was perfect. Don’t cross a lolicon when it comes to his loli. That’s asking for trouble, my friend. And we got an indirect kiss with Nanjo! The most development we’ll get probably. I like that it went unacknowledged. If you’re watching this show, you already know what that is and no one needs to say it. Respect.

Ahh shit, Keiki got hit with a few drops of rain so he instantly got the plague. RIP Keiki. We hardly knew ye. It’s such a funny trope, that any amount of time spent in the cold or rain gives you some crazy flu that renders you basically unable to walk. At this point, I’ve seen it so many times I just wonder if they don’t got good immune systems or something. I mean, being cold or in the rain weakens you a bit, sure, but this rain cold has like a 100% chance of infection if a raindrop touches you. It’s insane!

This definitely wasn’t what I was expecting from the last episode. I don’t know what I was expecting, but this far surpassed what I was hoping for.

As for the show as a whole, I mean let’s be honest – it was just ok. It basically completely cycled back to the beginning, they even say that at the end. It was cool how they referenced a lot of events in the childhood pictures. Like Mizuha and Keiki carrying the grocery back with one handle each which they did a few episodes ago. Everything is the same now as it was before, except now everyone is closer and a bit more intimate. In typical harem fashion, you could basically say nothing happened at all. But I’d like to think the fun was in the various lewd shots, fetish appreciation and ecchi friendships they made along the way. The name of the show and genre tags kind of give away any suspicion as to what we’re getting into. After the first reveal of Sayuki, we’re pretty much expecting everything from start to finish. The art was in and out, the characters had no real personality apart from their fetishes. I actually liked the OST a bit. The opening was great if you didn’t watch it, but just listened.

All-in-all, I’m solidifying it as a solid 6/10. I’d watch another season, if it came out, in a heartbeat. Going back to a point I made a while ago, this gave off so much more of a visual novel vibe than an anime one. After watching it through, I mean Mizuha is fantastic, but I still think Fujimoto takes it home for me as best girl. She just needed more screen time! I actually liked everyone pretty much equally, except Yuika and a Sayuki (although I like Sayuki quite a bit more than Yuika). Well, maybe that’s just because they got the most screentime. Stealing the show from the true best girls. ;-;


Thanks for sticking around for me covering the show. Thanks for reading. And if you came here just to catch some nice screenshots, don’t worry, I don’t blame you at all.