I actually wound up liking this episode more than I thought I would. Yeah we got some zoom ins of the girls in their swimsuits, but Show By Rock has never been a show that relied on fanservice, it’s actually a pretty tame show. Thank god!!! I’ve made my rant on anime sexualizing young girls in one of the Show By Rock!! Short!! episodes so I don’t need to repeat myself. Mainly because there are other things to talk about.

horriblesubs-show-by-rock-s2-04-1080p-mkv0042Rosia and Retoree always had this bad air between them, and when Retoree saw that she would be on the same team with Criticrista and Rosia for the chicken fight, she was upset. One, she was going to be on a team with people she didn’t even know well, and I understand how she feels. Really, I see a lot of myself in Retoree so I understand the anxiety she was feeling. But another problem was her relationship with Rosia. She never really liked Rosia, one reason was because she talked too much and was annoying. The second reason was because she always got too close to Cyan, and we all know Retoree has the hottie totties for Cyan, so her jealousy also got in the way. So all of this made Retoree down in the entire event and she went away to sit out of the chicken fight and closed herself away in a storage room, where Rosia also wandered in and they both got stuck in.

horriblesubs-show-by-rock-s2-04-1080p-mkv0050But that was good, as they were able to finally come to good terms. And again, just like Retoree, I warmed up to Rosia too. She made it clear to Retoree that she’s not interested in Cyan the way she thinks she is, but more interested in Cyan’s talent. She finally found someone to view as a rival and her motivation to do even better than before, and that’s all it is. Retoree saw a completely different side of Rosia she didn’t know about, so it changed the way she saw her, and they were able to become much closer with each other. Also, Retoree remembered the words Cyan said to her about doing their best in situations they’re not comfortable in, so they try to exit the room to head to the chicken fight. And sure enough with the power of friendship (again), they were able to score the ridiculous amount of points for the white team and win the event. I’m glad these two were able to become friends because there was too much strain between Plasmagica and Criticrista, but now things are slowly getting better between them. And again, Rosia has completely grown on me. I love this serious and admirable side of her, and I continue to root for her.

Also, Darudayu is out looking for this stone that holds all the energy of Sound Planet or something and she went to tell King all about it. Apparently the situation is so bad that they might have to use that Stone to fight against the Queen of Darkness. Well, considering the Queen has an entire fleet of spaceships that can shoot lasers and destroy the planet, I’m not surprised they would need to.

Finally, it looks like very serious things are going to happen next episode so I’m looking forward to that, and how ARCAREAFACT fits into all this.


Unfortunately still a weeb

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. 75chaosflare

    I bit in more time Rosia soon will end up seeing Cyan as her sempai at best and even more members to the latters harem.

  2. astralexample

    It’s good that the last event gave them 690k points, or it would have been very close to defeat, lol.

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