It is morning, and the Ignauts are leaving on their stolen abandoned ship, which looks like it will barely float. It turns out Shun gets seasick, and coincidentally so does Emilio. It was neat seeing Mischa and Felix fight, as they’re both super powerful and two of my favourite characters.

Down below deck, Emilio tries one last time to talk Demetrio out of going to see the Zoozian people on their isolated island where they were exiled. But, of course, he fails. That night there’s a huge storm and because Emilio and Shun both have butter on the soles of their shoes they nearly fall overboard. *eyeroll*  I know the show is probably showing this because neither has been on a ship before (or at least Shun hasn’t), but when everyone else is standing around normally it’s a littlevlcsnap-00007 much.

When day breaks, their ship has crashed onto the Zoozian island. Now their situation is much more dire – they need to convince the Zoozians to help them, or they’re fucked because they’ll have no way off the island. Sure enough some Zoozian people arrive and bring the Ignauts back to the lair of their chief at kmifepoint.

There the chief tells Demetrio to give up his life in exchange for the Zoozians helping the Ignauts with their quest. Naturally the Ignauts get upset because they all feel that without Demetrio they’d have no purpose or reason for doing what they’re doing, but Demetrio reassures everyone that the seeds of change are being sown and even without him revolution could come if only they had the help of the Zoozians. As a Zoozian soldier moves to strike Demetrio and kill him, Louise blocks the attack, prompting the other Ignauts to stand up and defend him. The chief is impressed and backs down, inviting Demetrio back to his cottage where they can talk privately.

The chief, who reveals his name is Gradido, asks Demetrio what he is hoping to accomplish, and Demetrio explains his plan a little. He wants as little bloodshed as possible; the Zoozians don’t have to fight, just show up and look intimidating I guess. Grandido agrees to Demetrio’s plan and says that the Zoozians will support the Ignauts. Grandido asks if Demetrio plans to be king after King Delzaine is removed from the throne, but Demetrio says that he might have someone vlcsnap-00027else in mind.

However the best scene of the episode is saved for the very end. As night is falling, Emilio is sitting alone next to the sea staring out at nothing much. Shun comes up behind him and they have – get ready for it – their first REAL conversation since the beginning of the season. This is a two-cour show, so it only took, oh about a third of the entire show for them to talk without fighting for once. Congratulations Endride! I feel like you should get a small trophy or an award of some kind.

Anyways Emilio confirms for Shun that he did grow up extremely sheltered, and that he has learned a lot about the world of Endora and its people since he left the castle. Emilio asks Shun to tell him about the surface, and Shun complies.

Elsewhere Delzaine’s four cronies find out that the Ignauts have gained the Zoozians as an ally. They have also learned that Shun is from the surface. The lion creature asks if they’re going to report back to Delzaine now, as they were ordered too, but the aquatic-looking dude says no. Dun dun duuuun.

My thoughts: I still don’t love this show, but now that Shun and Emilio have finally stopped fighting (for real this time), this show just became a lot more tolerable. The animation was a little better this episode, and the characters are becoming more likeable. Will I eventually love it? I have no idea, but I’m going to keep watching.