Everything this arc did worked on multiple levels, it worked to bring together the series. It worked to make Hazama see all of the things that had gone on previously in the series in a new light. Opening him up to see the corruption of the medical field and how it often barred a patient from getting proper treatment. It changes him as a character but not on a major level, it generally just gives him less respect for the law.
He is still set on saving everyone that he can, though he is no longer concerned about the risk of doing illegal things and his possibility of getting a legal medical license.


In this episode, he speaks with Hyakki to find the truth of what happened and what set him on this path of revenge. It seems, inside the hospital there was a sort of power struggle going on. Between two doctors to become the Director of the hospital and in the end, he wasn’t even the target.
In the end, the person who was going to be director died of natural causes. So Hyakki suffered for no good reason. He lost his limbs for no real reason! What kind of BS is this?
Power struggles? Corruption? It’s no wonder that Hazama is sitting there completely disregarding the legal system by the end of the episode. I mean seriously, after all the things he’s seen this series. I think it really took this episode for it all to come together for him.


By far, the hardest scene to watch in this episode though is when Hazama goes to talk to Hyakki’s ‘friend’, who yells at him and tells him that if he hadn’t done the surgery. None of this would of happened, Hyakki would of led a somewhat normal life as a professor at Hazama’s university and lives would of been saved.
However, was he just not supposed to do the surgery at the time? As a doctor, what was the right choice? He had no way of knowing how things would turn out in the future. He thought that he was helping bring joy and life back to his friends life. Instead, he got him the death penalty by letting him become a killer.


However, Hazama doesn’t want him to die. He wants Hyakki to live, even despite what he’d done. So when after a confrontation with the police, Hyakki loses his eye. He goes to Hazama to operate. Hazama gives him a fake eye, with tools implanted in it to help Hyakki escape from prison.
Now, I get doing the initial surgery. I get doing a lot of the illegal surgeries he’s done throughout the duration of this series, however, helping a murderer escape prison. That’s a little sketchy. I can understand his reasoning, because if he had of just fought the lies that his victim told. If the truth had only come to light, he would of been instead of looking at the death sentence, been looking at life in prison.


Hazama can’t stand corruption and that’s why he did, what he did. That’s why he while still studying to become a doctor, becomes a shadow surgeon and accepts money to make others look better. It’s why he becomes the man that we later know as Black Jack. I’m planning on watching the original series after Young Black Jack ends.
With that being said, we have one episode left and the guy from what…episode two is back? You know, the guy who kidnapped Yabu and Hazama and wanted them to give their organs? That’s about all I understood of the preview.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing how this series will wrap up and how it leads into the original series. Into the legend of a man that is Black Jack.
