So Ushio is off on his way to go find his mama. But of course, he can’t REALLY be on his way to finding her JUST yet as it’s a little too early for that. So what are we going to have in the meantime? If you guessed “Yokai of the week” then you are absolutely correct. So let’s boot up this fillery goodness and start this review.

So the episode picks up with a pilot of a passenger plane talking about how his plane was under attacks. Unfortunately he can’t do anything about it and it cuts out as we assume the plane goes down.

See, I WOULD make a joke here, but even "I" have poor taste joke limits
See, I WOULD make a joke here, but even “I” have poor taste joke limits

So we cut back to Ushio a month later who is taking a plane to Hokkaido because that’s where he was supposed to go on the first trek to find his mother. There he meets a girl who’s arguing with an older guy. The girl is the daughter of the pilot who died and the older guy is an air force guy who knew her father. He keeps trying to tell her that a monster killed him, but she fights him off telling him that it must have been him in his jet fighter and she won’t forgive him.

"Why won't you believe me when I tell you it was a giant green blob monster? Ohh...i see now."
“Why won’t you believe me when I tell you it was a giant green blob monster? Ohh…i see now.”

Ushio overhears this and talks to Tora about it. He says it’s probably a monster called Fusuma that comes down to eat humans every now and again. He also says the only real surefire way to destroy it is with lots of fire.

Ushio then boards the plane with the girl and begins to talk to her to try to help her with her plane nervousness.

My favorite movie's Die Hard 2. What's yours?
My favorite movie’s Die Hard 2. What’s yours?

They get into the sky, and, of course, the plane is attacked by Fusuma

Gah! What are the odds?
Gah! What are the odds?

The older guy runs to the cockpit to see the pilots are dead so he takes over the controls. Ushio on the other hand goes into spear form and sends Tora to go deal with Fusuma.

The older guy calls in the SDF and tells them about what’s going on, but they go “Duh..we don’t see anything on radar. Sorry!” So it’s up to Ushio and Tora. Since the beast spear only affects Yokai, it pierces through the cabin of the plane without damaging it and stabs Fusuma. (With a little help from the girl)

D'aw... My buddy and me! Stabbing Demons!
D’aw… My buddy and me! Stabbing Demons!

The stab isn’t enough to destroy it, however, now thanks to that, it loses its concentration and can be seen on radar, causing the SDF to scramble some fighters.

Ushio and Tora climb to the roof of the plane and cut its arms and legs off the plane so that it floats off, and at that moment is blown up by the SDF.

Ow! My everything!
Ow! My everything!

After that, they still have one big problem left. Yusuma damaged the rear landing gear so now the wheels won’t come out. So Ushio tricks Tora into thinking he’s scared and that Tora’s too weak to do anything about this. So Tora immediately falls for it and becomes the plane’s back tires and they land safely.

Well, you know, as safe of a landing as THAT is.
Well, you know, as safe of a landing as THAT is.

After they land the girl profusely apologizes to the older guy that she didn’t believe him earlier. She has questions she wants to ask Ushio, but he and Tora have to leave and have a cool “See ya” pose.

I think this picture was MADE to be screen shotted.
I think this picture was MADE to be a screen shot.

and that’s where the episode ends.

Yeah, this was definitely a filler episode to the effect that, it doesn’t move the story along at all, with the exception that now they’re in Hokkaido (Which could have just as easily been done with a “they arrive in Hokkaido” line of dialogue) Then again, this series is going to be around 40+ episodes so I guess they have to spread some things out as we’re going to be here for a while.

The episode in itself wasn’t that bad as fillers go though. I DID like the girl in this episode and I would actually prefer her replacing bitch mcgee, but sadly, that won’t happen.

The villain in this episode was sort of creepy as, by design, when you’re in an airplane, a person is pretty much as helpless as they can be. So I would say this is not a good episode to show people who are afraid of flying and you’re trying to get them to go on a plane.

Oh come on Frank, the odds of THIS happening aren't very high! Only Maybe around 25%
Oh come on Frank, the odds of THIS happening aren’t very high! Only Maybe around 25%

It did show the two of them working even moreso together and I can respect episodes like that. Still, it would have been nice to forward the mom plot a little more, but I guess that will be continued next episode. There isn’t a whole lot more to say about this episode as it literally was a “Monster of the week” episode.

Still…it was decent.

Episode 6.5/10



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Michael

    All I’ll say is…less set-up than you think

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