Seeing Shun of all people debut his return to the screen in a Riding Duel match was quite amusing. It was a pleasant surprise, and it certainly spiced the duels up. However I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some viewers who followed 5Ds have mixed opinions about how quickly the two of them adapted to riding and dueling at the same time (which we know is no simple task!). And I will be honest, it did bother me a bit before I decided to shrug it off. (But hey, we saw some familiar faces as well! We saw, What’s-his-name who always tried to beat Jack!)

Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V Ep 58 Img 0013If you didn’t already have a reason to be annoyed with Dennis’ character, this week’s episode may have nudged you to start feeling that way. Dennis’ character, being a double agent and all is meant to mess with others, and interfere with their efforts of recruiting strong allies from the Synchro Realm. (It also appears to be a thing for Academia folks to rip off Yuuya’s slogans). Little things like being the first to reveal the Pendulum Summoning to the Synchro-Realm public and stealing Yuuya’s heartfelt lines, beating Yuzu in the duel and now working his way to take away Shun’s ticket to the Friendship Cup irritates the hell out of me! (He needs ten wins and right now he has nine!) Of course, as we like say: What goes around comes around, and surely enough that is exactly what is about to happen. Dennis (though I wouldn’t put it past me if he possessed knowledge about this realm’s infamous security force), Shun and Gongenzaka are the only ones who have yet to encounter the Security and have no idea how abrasive they are. The Security of course aren’t the passive villains who wait for their targets to come to them, instead they will send their hunting dogs and find you instead. With Pendulum Summoning being a foreign technique in this world, it makes it very easy for them to pin-point their target. With an undercover spy in the Underground Riding Duel Arena, they have received the tip off and now are sending re-enforcements which I am sure are looking to kill two birds with one stone by arresting the foreign duelists and shutting down the ring, a place where the Commons have the opportunity to obtain a ticket to the Friendship Cup. Of all the people in the mess, Gongenzaka is the least likely to be the target aside from simply being there. I wouldn’t be surprised if the three of them end up being separated due to the havoc that is about to unfold. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Security ends up cutting off the game point of the duel between Shun and Dennis- which would be the ultimate way to mess with them both (one I prefer as well because I’d rather an interruption than Shun losing).

Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V Ep 58 Img 0011If hearing the Security receiving the tip about a Pendulum Summon at the underground arena wasn’t already bad enough, Yuuya finds himself powerless as Selena who has grown impatient decided to leave their sanctuary and take the initiative to search for Yuzu again. It doesn’t help how Sawatari (as expected) follows in hopes to find Reiji, which then sets Reira off to want to join them because he wants to be reunited with his brother again, but Yuuya has to hold him back to prevent him from doing so. It is a messy situation with our Lancers being divided up in a foreign world where they are all already fugitives. What surprised me however was the fact Crow didn’t bother to point out what happens to those who get sent to the camps. I mean geez, had he pointed out his marks, I think it would have made a strong enough reason to be more careful with their actions.

Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V Ep 58 Img 0021I am glad that finally SOMEONE (and it being Shun of all people) becoming suspicious of Dennis. He is picking up on the little details, noticing how Dennis quality of dueling is on a different level from the LDS students he had dueled against in the past. I am sure he will be watching Dennis like a hawk now whenever he could, and surely enough since Dennis is a bit of a klutz when it comes to his undercover role, ought to have a blunder at some point down the line. The question will be whether or not his Fusion card will sell him out or someone else might just catch him red-handed.

Finally, we were given a bit of history of what Riding Duels means in this Synchro Realm universe. It is the symbol of freedom, and was initially supposed to be used as a method to blow away the Tops, but then the Security countered with Duel Chasers, locking up the freeway creating blockades so their target would be cornered regardless of whether or not they win or lose the duel. The symbol of freedom became a source of entertainment for the Top, and that’s the only way to have a riding duel (unless doing so illegally in the Underground Arena).

The anger the Commons have for being treated as a source of entertainment when they are in the process of fighting to protect their freedom and lives creates a very unique situation. Yuuya lives to be an entertainer, but under these circumstances, embracing his role as one while being a target of the security, it makes me wonder what he will do to adapt to the situation and whether or not he will make it a personal mission to bring back the ‘purity’ of Entertainment. I suppose the only way of doing that is to beat the Security at their own game, and in style to look as if he is the one who engaged the duel rather than be forced into it (which I believe will be critical). After all, the Tops as usually cheering for the Security Forces, so if Yuuya can charm them into cheering for him and the Commons instead, that would be one way of turning the tables.


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Chris Marshall

    I’ve seen some people get mad at the fact that there’s no speed-spells. But honestly, the inclusion of those would be way too much (though if anything I’m bummed there’s no speed counters, because using speed world’s effect by reducing speed counters as payment should be as gimmicky as action cards are). Though I’ll guess something, if all (well with the exception of Reira) the Arc-V characters manage to learn how to turbo duel, then Gong would be so screwed considering the way his deck works. Hence, which is why I probably think Riding duels are the way they are, to accommodate Gong if he ever decides to do it. No speed spells. Also, that Godwin-clone (aka Jean Roger) nose is freaking me out. Its so geometrical 0_o

    1. Eva

      Good point. I wasn’t fazed by the lack of Speed Spells, and like you said it might just be better off that way with Action Dueling as one of the primary “exclusives” of ARC V.
      I think the other thing we have to keep in mind is the fact this is an AU of Synchros, it doesn’t necessarily mean the “original” universe features will be included- and the lack of Speed Spells could be one of the key differences. Alas! We have to wait and see how it plays out!

  2. 75chaosflare

    To tell the truth it makes a lot of since so far for the Lancers to have problems like these. Some of them have common goals, ones a double-agent, and the man who constructed the team doesn’t give two craps about them and likely planned it. My point is the entire team is based on developing their own characters instead going blindly and buddy buddy with each other.
    Also the concept of no Speed Spells in Arc-V can be understandable due to this be an alternate universe.

  3. partner555

    Finally got around to watching the episode. And it didn’t disappoint. Those were some interesting new monsters Kurosaki whipped out, and I’m glad Gongenzaka and Kurosaki are starting to get suspicious.

  4. exof954

    C’mon, Dennis is a pretty sweet guy! He’s stylish, elegant, knows (somewhat) decent English, has an awesome Xyz Deck that can also Fusion… What is there to hate? I may be an Xyz fan, but he’s still the closest thing we’ll get to an Alit in Arc-V.

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