There isn’t much to discuss this episode, so this week’s entry will be short and sweet.

Kirara is to perform in a fashion show with her mother, and while she is excited for it, her nerves get the better of her and she starts to get took stressed out about it. She becomes ridged on the runway and is unable to smile naturally. Her mother Stella is one heck of an energy bally who absolutely adores her daughter (not to mention, she is a very affectionate person). Stella starts doing some crazy things such as being silly or acting unlike a motherly figure, but she does all of this on purpose to make Kirara snap, and vent out her frustration and stress so it stops eating her alive. Surely enough after venting her stress to Haruka and Minami, the next day Kirara is laid back, at ease and has a “Oh whatever, what can I do?” attitude and returns to focusing on simply being herself than being like her mother. That being said, it was amusing to see her mother mess with her with good intentions in mind.

As the pattern continues, this week was also Kirara’s turn to have a family member’s dream stolen from them, along with of course a new buff up key, the Dream Key. I actually found this be more special this time round due to it being born from the bond between Stella and Kirara. It good for Kirara to see (one of) her mother’s dream of wanting to stand on the same stage as her daughter. Kirara thought she had accomplished that dream today and asked her what she will do now, and surely enough this woman has lots of dreams, and so her next one is for the two of them to perform on stage when they are both Top Models.

Kirara’s new Dream key’s ability is best used for crowd control, making it easier for her to weaken the two Zetsuborgs at the same time. It had also rained over twilight, who shielded herself at ease- but without a doubt it certainly irked her as she was the one who chose to retreat despite the fact both she and Shut were unhurt and Shut asked her if she wanted to counterstrike. On that note I wanted to give props to Shut, because not too many villains within the series suggest the idea of counter-striking this early on. I like that Shut doesn’t want to give up that easily, especially when he and his princess is perfect form to do so. It makes me eager to see how our villains will grow and whether or not we will be seeing them choosing to counter-strike sooner than later, and what potential disadvantage will it put the precures in if they do. But alas, I know I shouldn’t hold my breath for it!

Next week is going to be a juicy and I can’t wait! Haruka will be meeting the author of the Flower Princess and Dyspear will be providing her daughter what appears to be a dark buff up key (much like the ones the Precure been obtaining) to use a rod of her own. Whether or not both the key and rod is stolen and has been corrupted or Dyspear had created it herself, we will have to wait to find out!


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Ayal92

    I liked they answered the question “what do you do when you finally get your dreams?” and Stella not being simply your estereotipical airhead busy mom. She knew exactly what she was doing and that scenes were very enjoyable because of that. I hope to see more of her and learn why Kirara doesn’t use her father’ surname (I don’t think they are going to show a main character born out of wedlock). I was surprised they didn’t show Twilight getting as upset with Kirara and Stella’s bond as with Minami and Wataru’s. I thought Twilight would have some mommy issues.
    The villains have a lot of potential but I think they are going to be a bit nerfed. This episode proves they can find the precure’s families and taking them hostages whenever they want but I don’t think they are going to exploit that (the series would become a lot darker). Perhaps the cures never should have transformed in front of them in first place, it would give us an arch with Dysdark really working to uncover the precures.
    I really want to see next episode. More screentime for poor Yui, perhaps Haruka explaining what exactly her dream is and why, more about Twilight and Dyspear and, if the spoilers are true, we’ll learn about Kanata and his family! I hope so, Kanata is an important character but he has been in the background for a long time.
    Thanks for your review, it was very good!

    1. Eva

      Thanks! I also worry about the villains being nerfed too much, but hopefully we will be proven wrong! I think Twilight was upset, and I think they showed that subtly with her expression and not wanting to counter attack. I don’t think her retreat had anything to do with “honoring” the results like she usually does, it felt different this time round. She is also seen snapping her string on her violin in the preview, so her losses are most definitely getting under her skin.
      Indeed poor Yui was completely left out of the fun this episode! I do look forward to learning more in depth about Haruka’s dream and how her meeting with the author will be. I also look forward to learning more about Kanata, and while he hasn’t had much screen time, there is more than enough time as we are still very early on for him to possibly take part of a larger role than what he is doing now.

  2. keiko

    I think that Yui-Yui really needs some more screentime maybe in the next episode and in the future episodes to come (though I was impressed again at least in evacuating the peeps (which, again, is a Cure helper’s job) after a week absence and witnessing Twinkle’s Meteor Humming). Stella-san on the hand, was just damn too hot! I mean, her debut doesn’t anything that hinders behind (like camera flashing, long interviews and gossiping) but seeing Kirara for ages made her happy. I am now curious about her dad, which is a little similar to Berry or Miki Aono from Fresh, that why Kirara doesn’t need his surname, though I’d wanna see more about her family background, so as Minamin’s.
    Twilight has once again gotten the feels but a little bit and very, very upset. Perhaps I really look forward on her own Rod and the second black key, plus I’m so intense and pressured about if Dyspear created those stuff for her daughter to match ones of the Princess Cures’ OR the Hope Kingdom was once used those but corrupted by Dys Dark… We may not know and I’m getting hyped for the much-awaited “Princess Wars” between Haru-Haru/Flora and Twilight as well as the third Miracle Dress-Up Key.
    Oops, I almost completely forgot about Kanata! Like I commented last time that I do hope he wouldn’t as almost useless as Blue-sama until the finale, so I’d go for him and Yui-Yui to have some more appearances in the future because those two are the most important characters so far in GPPC, and they’re also contributed much (or at least) to Flora’s team in my opinion.

  3. HoHo

    Little Kirara crying is so adorable. It’s an enjoyable episode but , for me, the most exciting part in this episode is actually in the preview of next episode.
    I felt like Twilight really was really upset this time. That’s probably why she decides to confront Precure by herself in next episode.

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