It was nice to finally have a change of pace. This week the episode revolved around Hikaru, whose character surprised me in more than one way. By the end of the episode, it showed us how crucial it was for this episode to happen, because it had already been three weeks, and it’s safe to say, we knew nothing about her character.

Hikaru is the type of person who tends to get the gist of things real fast. She never finishes reading books, she never finishes watching movies (unless they were good) and she catches on to her training exercises faster than the others. She also appears to be the most grounded individual of the group, being a realist with a stark contrast to Subaru, who I would describe a bit as an idealist. When things went haywire, Hikaru was quick to understand that the moon she was standing on was merely a dream. But it wasn’t until she had snapped out of the dream, in attempt to escape from hearing the end of her father’s piano piece, she learns that Subaru had even crossed dreams and was basically there the entire time. The joke though, is the fact Hikaru had thought it was her subconsciousness identifying Subaru as an idiot- but it turns out, it’s just what she thinks, ahaha. She even he apologized for thinking that way- however, it could be used as one of the examples prooving the, ‘Hikaru doesn’t lie’ point, haha.

Hikaru’s conflict was the fear of having tampered with her parent’s dream. One day when she was little, while she was sick with a fever, she heard her father struggling to complete his composition. While he was on break, she went into the music room and saw a musical note flash before her eyes, and she added it on feeling happy to have assisted him in some ways. But that happiness was short-lived as she quickly became scared for interfering with her father’s work, and so she became afraid and refused at all counts to hear the end of her father’s song. But there was another reason as well, she knew she was going to cry and she didn’t want anyone to see it.

But I have to be frank. Despite the sweet storyline, it felt as if some parts of the story were disjointed. We were learning about Hikaru’s character traits, her family relationship, her mindset, and how she supposedly never lies- so even her parents believed her when she written on the white board that she was on the Moon, (which was bizarre to be totally honest, but whatever. It’s a music fantasy, let it be!) but when the tears came in, I knew what it was supposed to be connected to, but it didn’t feel like it was. That is really the only thing that bothered me a bit, but otherwise it was a solid episode, providing us the most needed insight to Hikaru’s character.

Next week it will be Itsuki’s turn! I really do look forward to learning more about her since she had charmed me in last week’s episode!


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing