Not in recent history have I seen a less fitting title then ‘Happy Family’ for this episode. A more fitting title would of been “Things happen” the episode. Remember how I said last episode didn’t seem like much was happening but instead it was setting up for a bunch of things to happen. Well I was right, a lot of things happen.


Before we even reach the credits we find the Private Investigator’s family dead and see his office get blown up. This is going to be a cheery episode. After the credits we return to the fight between Shinichi and Miki, there’s a small fight, there’s running, lots of running. They get into a forest and Migi gets an idea of how he fights and comes up with an idea to decapitate him.
It works great and all but uh…problem. There wasn’t just three parasites, there’s five and that wasn’t the main one that normally controls them. In fact, he’s normally the right arm….


WAIT A SECOND, isn’t that the Senator? Are you kidding me? So there is a chase between them and you know it’s just one of those things you can’t explain but long story short is they shake the senator off and get to somewhere safe.



The private detective has gone to the police and is having trouble confessing everything. He asks to talk to the inspector that Shinichi told him about last episode. He’s asked if he knows about the parasites and he freaks out, naturally. After everything he’s seen, he says he will give them info but it’s all jumbled up in his head and he wants to go someplace quiet to write it all down.

They let him, but he leaves intent on getting revenge on Reiko for dragging him into all of this in the first place. Speaking of Reiko!

Her story is she is becoming more and more human even to the point that others of her kind are ceasing to view her as one of their own. So they decide that she is in fact a danger to them and needs to be eliminated.


Now back with Shinichi, we return to the dreams where he interacts with the dream Migi. Who has been trying to use these dreams to connect with the parts of him that broke off into the rest of Shinichi’s body. They note that they look nothing like the Migi/Shinichi they know in real life. I’m not entirely sure if this is important or not but I feel like it’s worth noting just in case it happens to be important.

He hears about what happened to the private detectives family and goes to call his father, he’s not entirely honest with him but is as honest as he can be in saying that the monster that killed his mother could be out to get them and that his father needs to leave the house. His father trusts him and leaves, but meanwhile…

"Um Dad, a monster is out to kill you. Leave home."
“Um Dad, a monster is out to kill you. Leave home.”

Yeah, there’s a lot of that going on this episode.

Murano gets the backpack that Shinichi left at school and is asked to bring it to his house. She goes there with it and of course, nobody is home. However, who’s to say that nobody saw her go there, or won’t see her leaving? Does her going there right now put her in danger? Would the kill her straight out or would someone smart like Reiko decide to use her as bait for Shinichi?

This episode was great, it didn’t slow down at any point. It showcased growth from almost all of the characters. It was a little brutal in it’s needless killing of the private investigators family. That’s really the point though, the parasites aren’t humans. It’s shown in their reactions throughout this entire episode.
Migi’s lack of regret at stealing money from the truck driver and total disregard for human laws. The killing of the P.I.’s family without even confirming that he was there and killed, rejecting one of their own and preening it from their ranks because she has become what they would consider flawed.
They are not human and this episode really drives that point home.


The next episode is called ‘The adventure of the dying detective’ well, that’s a damn cheery episode title. I predict good things for next episode….not. What’s going to happen to Reiko? When will Shinichi be able to stop running, what about Murano!?!?! So many questions, too much time till next week…
