Remember how I said last week that I would really love for this episode to be about the voice actor chick? Well how about having absolutely none of her this episode? Awesome right? What do we have instead? pfff.. here we go.

The episode starts out with Miyamori finding out that her sister is coming by to unexpectedly visit. However…it’s not really important so we’ll ignore this little side story.


We also learn that the dude with the red hair is quitting the company to work for another anime company.


OH NO! NOT THE GUY WITH THE RED HAIR! I’ll miss you mr…….uhhh….

Okay, his name isn’t important. He did really important stuff to the plot though…. he uh.. did that…


Okay yeah…never mind I got nothing.

Well at the very least we now get to the meat of the episode, the animator girl worrying about her quality of her work. She thinks that if she keeps up her current pace that she’ll never get ahead in her career.

The old guy who never seems to talk finally decides to give her some advice. And I gotta say, this was the only time in this entire episode that my interest was kept.

(thumbs up) keep on trucking old guy.
(thumbs up) keep on trucking old guy.

But then of course, he’s interrupted by Miyamori who wants to talk to her. GODDAMN IT MIYAMORI! can you fucking stay out of a single episode?! You’re why we can’t have nice things!

Eventually he does get to finish his discussion with her about animation but seeing as she has little self esteem, she’s worried.

We then find out from the big boobed animator that Ema (i think the black haired animator’s name is) did a poor job on the 4 cuts she was assigned and has to redo them. Miyamori goes to tell her but it really bums Ema out and makes her question her animator ability. Aka wah wah wah.

My life is like the center of this donut...empty
My life is like the center of this donut…empty and full of angst. .. it’s an angstnut

And that’s honestly where the episode ends.

Really, not a whole lot happened in this episode. Hence the sarcastic title I gave the episode.

I see the kind of format they’re trying to use for this show and unfortunately it’s just not working. Even though there’s 5 girls they try to use Miyamori as a framing device for each of them. As in, she has to be involved with each of them during their stories. And this is the wrong way to go about it.

You don’t NEED Miyamori there for the characters to always talk to. I do not understand WHY they think we’d like her. She’s a boring, flaccid, uninteresting character.


I feel as if she’s less of a character and more of that said framing device. It’s almost as if she’s a portable interactive camera so we can see what’s going on with the more interesting characters.

My dreams were dashed of seeing the voice actress chick in this episode, however, I did truly enjoy one part of it. And that was when the old guy started talking to Ema. I really did enjoy the wisdom he had to give her. He’s a character that never really talked before so at least to me, it was interesting seeing his take on things.


Yes, this 2 minute segment with the old guy talking was more interesting than the ENTIRE REST OF THE EPISODE COMBINED.

It seems the show is trying to get us to sympathize with Miyamori with her “I don’t know what I want to do in anime” dilemma, but I don’t care enough about her to care. They’re not doing a very good job at making her likable is the problem. They make her out to be a whiny busybody and I can see they’re trying REALLY hard to get you to attribute yourself to her, but that’s the problem, they’re TRYING TOO HARD. It’s so transparent they want you to like this character it’s actually kind of distracting. The sheer effort to shove her in your face is getting very annoying and the more you put her there, the more i’m going to dislike her.

How the fuck can she even say “jiggly jiggly heaven” with such a straight face?

What they should have done was have five different stories going on, but with the same level of screen time. we hardly even SEE two of the girls and the episode is so centrally focused on this girl, it gets dull very fast.

Can we PLEASE PLEASE have a voice actress episode next time? PLEASE?

I’m going to say it loud and clear show. I. DO NOT. CARE. ABOUT. MIYAMORI.

Episode: 4/10
